Monday, December 28, 2020


No one said healthcare reform legislation was gonna be easy or perfect right outta the chute. It seems to me that anyone with half a brain would get that.  I do not mean that as an insult, and if you have more than half a brain, you should understand that. As well. (How's that for a really bad caveat?)  

It’s complicated as Hell!  So, why is it that people wanna call somethin' that corrected a major problem, even if it's not perfect, how is it that people think it's okay to represent somethin' as a "complete failure" with their rhetoric?  That’s just nonsense and the people spewin’ it know that it’s nonsense.  Their arguments are in favor of “throwin’ the baby out with the bath water.”  And it ain’t even their baby!  

(As of November 02, 2017, the United States House of Representatives had considered 100 resolutions to repeal, deauthorize, defund, or otherwise destroy the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.)

Indulge me:

If people without healthcare coverage  'cause they can't afford it are then given access to it rather than burdenin' the system in its current form is a bad thing, then why is healthcare for anyone a good thing?  Why don't we do away with all healthcare insurance and adopt a "pay as you play" system?  That'll satisfy everybody, right?  Across-the-board fair, right?  Nobody gets the advantages of an "insurance pool,”  Right?  If the folks in a tight spot ain't deservin' of inclusion in some kinda shared expense collective- that's what insurance is- then what makes folks in spots not quite so tight more deservin'?  Sure, some are loads, but that's inherent in the concept.

So far, in this damn country, we ain't turnin' people away when they need medical care.  At least not as a rule.  Folks show up, they receive care, they get billed.  If they ain't got insurance or cash or possibly Medicare or Medicaid, the bill for said services may likely go unpaid.  In such instances, hospitals “recover” such losses the  only way they can- by spreadin' those losses out across the group that is able to pay.  Sound familiar?  It should.  It's how insurance works, with one exception:  Insurance companies operate for profit, so they need to recoup net losses AND gather operatin' costs.

Me?  I'm fortunate enough to still be healthy enough to work and have a job that affords me access to health care.  It ain't free- it's a part of my “benefits” I receive for workin', part of my “total compensation.”

For a good look at the historical timeline and evolution of health insurance, give this a read:

(*As of this postin’, I have retired and now receive health insurance coverage through my wife’s employer.)


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I thought it was from Swords to Plowshares...

Gonna preface this with clarification that shouldn’t be necessary, but I’m tryin’ to head off the leaders that may be already anxious to recoil as if you were pressed into thinkin' about somethin' that scared you, ‘cause I didn’t even think of that until right this second.
Just cleaning out the closet.  Me. 6/15ish/2020

Somethin’ got my mind.  (It's become inescapable.). Gonna go straight to it:

If Christian churches choose to forego their tax free status in order to promote particular agendas through interactions with political and government entities, then it stands to reason that those would be concepts in line with the teachings of Jesus, right?  Houses of Christian Faith?  What in the world else could that particular bunch folks ever hold higher than that specific set of simple and elegant statements attributed to Jesus Christ?

Separation of Church (any church, by the way) and State?  

This is how churches take advantage of tax exempt status, so it's fair and reasonable within the context of standin' proclamation, historical precedent, right?  Sure it is.  Based on expected and accepted interpretations of at least most of what the Founding Ones tried to detail for our ignorant asses.  Right?  Sure it is.

So, why would any religion, assumin' that they are all ultimately representin' the Word of God, why would any religion choose to condemn and ridicule anyone?

Seems contrary to the Point;  Some things even appear blatantly in direct conflict with the teachings that are supposedly top of the heap.

Let's face it: once you get past all that meanass Old Testament shit, in Christian terms, it's all about Forgiveness, Compassion, all the good stuff.  Yeah Buddy!

Then why is it that so many would claim to carry the Mantle of a Forgivin' God with one breath, then damn so many to their Specific Hell with the next?

I'm gonna tell a buncha y'all what you already know, but have chosen to forget:
We ain’t no more than just plain old people.  Fallible.  All of us.  Even your Granny.

And when you reach that point where you feel you have some kinda right or privilege to condemn others 'cause the details don't line up with yours, then you have failed.

You may no longer stand as Proxy for your Deity.

And honestly, you never qualified to begin with.  No one ever does.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Fate worse than Fate Itself

... and the list of breaks and windfalls and protections for the Richest Americans marches on.

If you bought into this trickledown crap, again, then you’ve allowed yourself to be played for a fool.  More than once.

Just look around- the Middle Class got slight to nothing, while the Rich are raking it in hand over fist.

Feeling foolish yet? Damn well should be.  If you supported this garbage, you hurt us all.  (Except for the Rich.)  

You helped set up the scam.  Again.

You stood back and allowed them to rob us all.  Again.

Know what?  I’ll get by.  I’m fortunate in a number of ways. And I never had and any issue with paying taxes that helped create jobs, helped the less-fortunate, kept things closer to fair, honest.  

But this ain’t what’s takin’place, now or under Reagan’s bullshit policies.  (What was it H.W. called it?  “Voodoo Economics.”  Yeah...)

We even had the luxury of hindsight, historical record!  And a buncha you folks fell for that same stupid shit.  Again.  It wasn’t even that long ago.

This time around, many CEOs even said that they had no intention of using the Trump/Republican Tax Scam money for hiring or expanding!  A number of corporate executives admitted that they would use that money for stock buybacks and big dividend payouts- and that’s exactly what they did.  They even said this BEFORE the tax “break” became law.  Some even said their companies didn’t need or want it!

But some of you weren’t listenin’, were you?  Not teally ever been much for details, all y’all.  Far easier to allow garbage to just soak into your brains through your porous skulls, huh?  You barely have to even think, huh?

This information wasn’t any secret, wasn’t conjecture or supposition.  It was right out in the open.  

You chose to get suckered.  Again.  You made that choice.  In direct conflict with all evidence, both current and historical, you fell for that same dams shit: give the already Rich even more in the hopes that they might bless us with some kinda charity that they never exhibited before.  No contracts, no guarantees.  Not even a handshake or a promise.  No nothin’.

And the Big Dealmaker was right there signin’  off on it. all-  Too stupid or careless or greedy or cold-hearted to give a shit.  The Prince of Liars made more money.  His rich grifter pals made more money.  

And what are you doin?  Kneelin’, hopin’ someone drop some crumbs or feed you a little something for fun, like a dog beneath the dinner table?  Ignorant and Delusional.  Suckers.  Really some stuff to be proud of, huh?

Deny it if it suits you.  So many of you have developed a bottomless capacity for denyin’ the Blatantly Obvious, an ability to ignore Fact even when struck dead between the eyes with it.  Some of y’all even use your Religion to make excuses for the foul and vulgar that rob you and then laugh about it.  (I am really, really confused about that particular misuse of something supposedly at the top of the list for so many of y’all.  Confused, saddened, disappointed.)

But, it has become abundantly clear over the past four years that the original lofty tenets of Religion ain’t really that important after all to many that would espouse ‘em. It’s just a comfortable (and potentially lucrative) place for Ravenous Grifters to dwell and Fools to hide while attemptin’to save face, protect their pride and hubris, cover for the black-hearted rather than admit they support and enable Monsters.  Faith now twisted into some sort of tool with which so many attempt to disguise errors in judgement, hate and disregard for others, regardless of the terrible consequences.

Others: using willful ignorance as their shield.  The folks out there that retreat to their corner when reasonable acknowledgement and acceptance of Absolute, Presentable and Verifiable Truths becomes too much to bear; Those people that stagger back and use the last tool available to them as they flee from the truth and shout over their shoulder the “well, all I know is...” statement.  Yeah, that- the admission of ignorance or distaste for facts, a preference for bullshit, the defiant proclamation that perversions of reality are a legitimate opinion as strong as any honest, thoughtful observations, while proudly brandishin’ Dumbass as if it were some kinda shield, an “Evidence Prophylactic.”

And McConnell and his Band of Raiders continue with their “Corporate-friendly” endeavors and protections, attemptin’ to squeeze in language that would further shield Big Business from responsibility/culpability for their actions into the latest relief bill supposedly written to assist Everyday Americans with all that trivial shit like Food and Shelter and Medications/Healthcare.

C’mon!  Step right up and assume your rightful portion of Blame for this ongoin’ Conservative Nightmare as President Candyass Psycho Brat hammers away at our Democratic Institutions with his Wreckin’ Ball of Bullshit while  his Cultists wail and foment, wild-eyed and bloodthirsty.  You might wind up bein’ remembered for it, your names showin’ up in the final credits: ...and the Lunatic Mob, as played by...”

Pathetic Shit.


Thursday, May 10, 2018


Hey y'all.  Been thinkin'.  Felt like sharin'.  

Let me begin by statin' somethin' I would imagine we can almost all agree on:  Nobody lives forever.

     Okay, I expect some of you are already formulatin' philosophical and spiritual arguments to the contrary.  (I'm bettin' that I can name a buncha y'all.)  And that is absolutely how it should be.

     But, I ain't talkin' about the Mysterious and the Mystical.  I'm talkin' about the nuts and bolts stuff-  the body agin', then failin', ceasin' to function.  The Scientific.  The Literal.  Clinical Death.  That thing where you're lookin' at someone, and you realize that the concept of "someone" no longer applies, that this is not a viable blending of organic machine and electric spark.  It was, but now it ain't.  It stopped.  That thing, that process that animates the flesh?  It's stopped.  I'm talkin' about that.  That kinda Dead.  The really clear, even blatantly obvious, lay-eyes-on-it kinda Dead.  A Failure Indisputable.
It is just this condition of which I speak.

     Some of us are fortunate enough to shake off this Mortal Coil in an instant.  As quickly and as surely as the grindin' of a butt beneath a boot.  Maybe a brief moment of discomfort, possibly followed by a hand to chest and a drop where you stand.  An "Aw shit!" moment, but a brief one.  They're the Fortunate Ones,  perhaps one of the few (only?) places I might use the word "blessed."  Or the "in their sleep" folks.  How perfect is that?  Never quite got why you'd see "peacefully" preface that last one.  Asleep.  Ain't the "peacefully" part a given for most?  Asleep?  (Sign me up for either.  One quick, the other transparent, utterly beautiful.  About as good as somethin' like dyin' could get.)

     The radio has started playin' some shit that I ain't exactly enjoin'.  The coyotes off to the South don't sound like they're fans either.  Gonna give it a couple minutes to change...


     Me?  I never had much of a Fear of Death.  Maybe when I was a little kid, but that was usually driven by things like scary movies and public service announcements.  And the way adults around me reacted to it when it took place close to us.  I developed a fairly clinical way of lookin' at Death early on.  That worked for me later in regard to my own mortality.  

     But comfort with my own situation didn't exactly translate into comfort with the situations of others. For that, I would be required to convince others to adopt my point of view, my outlook, thus allowin' me to relax knowin' that they felt the way I did.  Sounds not-so-complicated, but proves to be a near impossibility.  And I get all that.  I have no fear of Death, but heights can scare the shit outta me.  Not judgin'.

     Many of us suffer before we're granted the respite that Death delivers.  We may linger, in a myriad of degrees of discomfort rangin' from a simple loss of quality of life to constant pain and misery.  That's the shit that makes me uneasy.  The thought of lingerin'.  Just lingerin'.  Just lingerin'.

     I've held my own notions about that shit, that waitin', that feelin' that it may come down to just wantin' get it over with.  Even got to look right at it recently.  Perhaps that's the bigger deal than droppin' dead or layin' sick and in dread of dyin'.  Maybe the most frightenin' thing of all is the possibility that we might find ourselves in that place where we're just waitin' for Death.  Just stuck with no control, no say.  Forced into waitin' to get it over with.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Hey Man-

You happen to see that thing?

You had to have passed it between there and here
Two days ago, middle of the day
Old truck in the church lot- all bed springs and bicycle frames and bits of rebar

A little man draggin' a doe from the ditch
Face and arms so damn dirty it wern't clear if he was black or white or somethin' else
That gray man and that skinny old woman:  All bent up
Shooin' away birds 
You know:  Those birds

Did you see it?
C'mon!  Damn hard to miss, that

So, when did you last get to town?

Guy in front of the liquor store as I went in
Front pockets full of finish nails
I know, 'cause I stopped for a second, watchin' as he drew out palmfuls 
Pickin' through like he was lookin' for somethin'
Fingers all bloody

I went on in, got me some beers
As I passed, asked if I could help
"No," he said  
"I got a dollar in my shoe"

Did you go past that day?  
I expect he'd been there for a while
You ain't gotta answer  
I get it

Hey Man-
Don't you live out past me?  

You told me once
I remember
Then you know the back way
The "Long Cut"
Bottom of the ramp, very first right
You know it
Don't bullshit me

Then you've seen him:  the guy with the sign 

You know:
Cardboard.  Thick, brown, letters in black majic marker
All lower case, which is stupid
Bettin' he stole that marker  
Duct tape on his shoes

Remember that sign?  What it said?
"insert your favorite form of personal disdain here"
Did you make eye contact?  
That was stupid 
Bettin' now he knows where you live
Figured you to be smarter

And today:
That dog on the side of the road
Just past the spot where the guy stood the day before
Only the regular way, no right turn

Some mixed breed mutt, all bloody
Legs like tobacco stick,s pointin' back toward the paint
Head wrenched 'round, eyes shinin' off into the woods
I seen his collar:  All sparklin', lookin' like diamonds
No way in Hell you missed that
I had to swerve else I was to hit it

Now, I gotta ask:
Did you come the regular way?  
You did, right?
You saw it, right?  
I already know

Of course you did
I know you did
You stopped, got outta your truck
You looked at the dog, then up and down the road
But you didn't see me
You stole from a dead dog, right?
I know it was you  
No sense in lyin'

Ain't intendin' to tell nobody

But you know I know


Thursday, February 8, 2018


So, there have been quite a few grand pronouncements in the days since the passage of the Republican tax overhaul, with a great many of those includin' the ever-positive word, "bonus."  Corporate giants from AT&T to Walmart have been blowin' their own horns through press releases and friendly media about their "sharin' of the wealth" with those at the bottom of the food chain.
(Note:  Both AT&T and Walmart, among other bonus-awardin' companies, followed their Corporate Charity proclamations with announcements of layoffs and closing, but with far less fanfare.  Look it up.)

Another corporation to announce bonuses was Hostess.  Yep, that Hostess.

Hostess unveiled their intentions to award around a thousand of its hourly employees a one-time $500 contribution to those employees' 401(k) accounts, as well as a one-time cash bonus of $750.  But that's not all:  Hostess has also announced that it will begin selectin' a "product of the week", which will be given to each employee in a "multi-pack."  (To date, I've been unable to find information as to whether a box of snacks will be considered "taxable compensation" awarded the Employee or a "charitable contribution" claimed by the Company.)

Anyway:  On its face, and in the form of a simple sentence, the Hostess thing seems not-too-bad.  The Company is gettin' a very generous tax break, in perpetuity, and have decided to spread a little bit around.  (Once.)  But it ain't like they had to.  They chose to.  

The reduction in the corporate tax rate didn't come with stipulations, with any form of a bindin' legal contract that would require corporations to create more jobs or increase compensation to its employees or even keep jobs in this country under penalty of  forfeiture of their right to operate under the starkly lower corporate tax rate.  Nope.  Nothin' like that in place.  (Although the generous corporate tax break has been constantly touted as somethin' that would absolutely do all these things, and more.). Out of the goodness of their hearts, (and possibly  as a really cheap public relations gimmick,) the Foks at the Top at Hostess chose to do this.

And seein' as how the numbers per company, per employee with the Hostess bonuses are a fairly typical example of what's been takin' place the past couple weeks, I thought theirs' would serve as a good opportunity to look more closely, see just what somethin' like this might actually mean in terms of genuine impact in the lives of the Regular Guy.  Or Gal.  (You know what I mean...)

So, gonna apply a little math here, as well as some real life analogies, and see how this shakes out. 

Since it’s a one-time thing, I chose to consider the Hostess bonuses in the context of what it would mean in real terms if spread over a single year, just to get a clearer understandin' of impact were it in the form of hourly compensation.  I realize it's a one time cash bonus.

$1250 divided by the 52 week’s in a year comes to $24 a week. Based on a 40 hour week, that comes to 60 cents an hour. Not too bad!

But, those employees won't be gettin' $24 extra a week on their paychecks, though. Forty percent of that $1250 goes directly into your 401K where, it may stand to actually make a little more money.
Even if it’s tax-deferred, you’ll still be payin’ taxes on that $500, and any money it might earn.
But it’s tied to the Stock Market with no guarantee that it’ll make any additional money or even still be there when Hostess folks choose to retire, and who knows when they’ll be able to do that, if at all? (You work at a cupcake factory, so I doubt you’re packin’ away cash by the bucketload for your retirement villa in Florida, anyway.)

So, not really gettin’ a 60 cents an hour raise for a year.

Keep hammerin'...

The cash bonus of $750, divided by the 52 week’s, comes to a little less than $14.50 a week.  Let’s just call it $14.50, anyway. Divide that $14.50 a week by the 40 hours per... that comes to almost exactly 36 cents per hour. A decent raise, I figure. But it ain’t a raise. It's tantamount to 36 cents an hour, but only for a year.  Consider taxes of about 25%, and the gracious gift bestowed upon Hostess' hard-workin' folks by Republicans and Hostess turns out to be somethin' closer to 27 cents per hour, for only one year.

So, 27 cents times 40 hours a week means that, for one year, you’ll have $10.80 additional money in your pocket per week, or $2.16 additional cash flow per day. should be able to get couple cups of cheap coffee a day with that.

But, they'll all get maybe somethin’ like one Twinkie or cupcake or Ding-Dong, or half of a delicious fruit pie with each cup of Tax Cut Bonus Java for free!
Even after a year and you have to go back to payin’ for your couple cups of coffee a day, you’re still gonna get some free snacks!

Boy!  This whole New Tax Plan thing is gonna absolutely bury us all in Untold Riches!


Correction:  Looks like the free snacks thing will also go away after one year.  F~

Friday, January 19, 2018


Just outside the wall at Fort Harrod stands what is arguably the oldest living osage orange (hedge apple) tree in the country.  It's trunk, split in two, keeps this beautiful, complicated thing out of the record books.  The possibility that this may be two separate, distinctly unrelated things, with only their incidental physical closeness as a connection, doesn't change my perception: That of a single thing interrupted.  Set apart by weight, a fleetin' difference of direction not even recognized.

I captured this image a couple years ago- late in the day, late in the year-  while visitin’ with a long-ago lover and grandchildren. 

I cropped it square ‘cause this worked best for me.  

put it in a box.

As the kids played and climbed, squealin’ and fussin’, their Mimi shoutin' words of caution as I “spotted”, I looked up, the bare branches silhouetted against the gray sky.  I drew in the cool air.  Lonely.

I was overwhelmed.  I realized my heart was broken and there was no repair.

I think about that day often.  This image, the split of the trunk, the continuin' branches, everything movin' further and further away.  It all seems to mirror so many of the feelings of that day, and the things I feel when I remember...

That thing: "It's complicated"...?  That falls so far short of what this has me recall. 

Better the image.  

Clearer the sadness, my failure.  My mistakes that now stand irreparable.  

A crime with many victims, for which the blame is ultimately mine to bear.

Please forgive me.
