The New America- Improved. Efficient. Cold. Where Anti-Intellectualism and Absence of Civility are celebrated as Examples of Strong and Enviable Character, where Hatred of Others is displayed openly and proudly, a New Badge of Honor, where Mockery and the Villification of Our Downtrodden supplant Baseball as the National Pasttime. Where our very planet has been reduced to nothing more than a Commodity, a Revenue Source, rather than a precious and revered place to stand for a moment, perhaps catch our Breath. Where Sensless Death has become passé, looked upon with disregard. A Simple Fact of Life.
The New America- Harder. Leaner. The place where the Unprovable trumps the Obvious, and Thoughtful Consideration of Fact is looked upon as an Act of Deficiency and Weakness. Where Common Sense is held Hostage in a cage with no door, a cage constructed of axe handles and rifle barrels. Where Pleas for Reasonable Discourse are met with the eye-rolling and sneers of Mouth-Breathers as they vomit Insult and Accusation.
A place of Great Wisdom without Mercy. Wickedness without Consequence. Where Nothing is Fair. Where Meanness of Spirit is a Great Shroud that defeats the Sun, and Love is no more than a drop of blood in the dust. Wasted. Useless. Forgotten.