Friday, July 29, 2016



Got somethin' for y'all:

Followin' each of the acceptance speeches of both major party nominees, NPR posted the full texts, complete with fact-check annotations.  Havin' only watched around half of Hilary's speech last night and only around fifteen minutes or so of the Donald's speech, this gave me a chance to not only go over both in their entirety, but also be enlightened in regard to the validity of the points that each stated as Fact.  (I found a couple modest surprises among what both had to say.)

Let's face it: this is American Politics and both sides (we effectively have only two choices) are attemptin' to sell you their particular Bill of Goods.  

Like so many other things in Life, for one to truly make somethin' as close to an "informed decision" as possible, we owe it to ourselves to, no matter how unpalatable we may find it, we owe it to ourselves to take a hard look at all (both...) choices and give thoughtful consideration to what we are presented with.  

I found the contrast between the content and the pitches to be pretty damn interestin'.

I have included links to the respective speeches and the fact-checkin' below, and I'd like to invite you to do as I've done;   Set aside the time to go over the points these folks have chosen to frame their particular cases, as well as the style in which they approached them.

It's the smart thing to do...

Thanks, Y'all,


Tuesday, July 12, 2016


A few days ago, while speakin' before the Southern Legislative Conference in Lexington, made up of legislators from fifteen southern states, Republican Governor Matt Bevin urged attendees to "be shepherds, not sheep."  He also used the word "agnostic" and "apathetic" while referrin' to "our mores, our values, our principles, our convictions, our love of liberty."

Simple Definition of agnostic
: a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not
: a person who does not believe or is unsure of something

Simple Definition of apathetic
: not having or showing much emotion or interest

Okay.  The use of these two words, particularly the word "agnostic", appear to be a passive aggressive attempt by Bevin to question the Faith and Conviction of his audience, or at least foster guilt.  This is further bolstered by his use of "shepherds, not sheep", another thinly-veiled  allusion to Faith and Scripture.

Here's why I take issue with this language:

First, he, and everyone he's speakin' to, are politicians, officials elected to their posts to further the Will of their given Electorate.  They are not Spiritual Guides. They do not represent an arm of the Clergy.  In fact, in relation to our Constitution, their elected positions dictate that they operate without regard to Religion. 


I know what some of you are thinkin': 
"So, what's wrong with approachin' your duties as an Elected Representative of the People in a Just and Moral fashion?  
My answer... Nothin'.  There is absolutely nothin' wrong with our Elected Officials approachin' their job in a Just and Moral fashion.  

However, Christianity, nor any Religion for that matter, holds Exclusive Rights to the Concepts of Justice, Compassion, Morality, or a number of other generally accepted Admirable Social Conventions.  Bein' a Decent Human Being ain't some kinda club comprised of Strictly Christian Members.  It's just not the way things are, or have ever been.  In fact, there are people among all Religions who, through their Intolerance, their Narrowmindedness, their Ignorance, act in ways contrary to the teachings they profess to embrace.

Now, why is that?  

They're Human.  
Imperfect, Fallible Human Beings. 

We all are.

And I damn sure don't look to Elected Officials when I feel the need for Spiritual Guidance.  In fact, that is probably the absolute last place in the World I would look.  In our current Governmental Framework, these folks are put in place to represent us, not to "guide" us, or "show us the way" as they would see fit.  Not their job.  Not even close.  This concept of "Political Shepherds" stands absolutely to the contrary of the intended position for these people.  And, any attempt to elevate politicians to such a position represents the Extremes of Self-importance and Conceit.

If someone's Faith helps them to live a life that embraces Tolerance, Empathy, Understanding, and Charity, then it has served them well.  But by no means does that imbue them with the right to insist that all others adopt their chosen position, their particular interpretation of a life philosophy.  To do so is to distort and do a grave disservice to the very ideals they profess to embrace.

Jesus and Muhammed ain't on the ballot.
