Monday, August 29, 2016


I continue to be amazed by the things we choose to be enraged over.  (And, no- it is not improper grammar to end a sentence with a preposition.  Another example of bullshit we've all been fed...) 

Sorry, distracted myself.  (That was quick!). 

Anyway, you might not agree with the method a professional athlete in our country may have used to bring attention to somethin' about which he clearly feels very strongly about, and that's fine.  This is the United States of America.  In our country, you have that right, just as he has the right to do what he chose to do for the reasons he had.  We are all afforded that right.  Right?

But, know what?  If you're focussin' on what he did, as opposed to why he did it, then both he and you have failed- only in starkly different ways.

Here's the thing:  
Wanna get pissed about somethin'?  Get pissed about Institutional Racism, Childhood Poverty or Food Insecurity.  Get vocal over how Money and Greed have destroyed our Political System.  Or maybe you can raise some Hell because our Soldiers have been killed and maimed in the Name of No Bid Contracts for Cheney's Halliburton and Company.

Stop usin' Bullshit Flag Worship as some kinda Holy Hobby you can use for damnin' anyone who tries to bring attention to a Real Issue.

No shit.  Pick a genuinely legitimate thing, a true injustice to get mad about.  Ain't like there's some kinda shortage out there.  

And another thing:  All that "Support our Troops" bullshit that gets regurgitated every time somebody chooses to speak out about War for Profit and the Wholesale Murder of the Innocents like it's a reflection on Those Who Serve?  You people?  Sit down and shut the fuck up, 'cause if you really supported our Troops, you'd be mad as Livin' Hell over their bein' treated as Cannon Fodder in the Name Corporate Profits.  

Know who I feel is guilty of not supportin' our Troops?  All you Sonsabitches without the wherewithall to challenge our "Leaders" regardin' Their Preference for Monetary Support over Human Life.

Stop for a second and think!  Damnit, y'all!

Are you so afraid of the Real World that you would seek comfort by Embracin' the Misdirection that extinguishes your very Capacity for Reason?  

Does your Pride prevent you from recognizin' and condemnin' the Dirty Tricks you choose to fall for almost daily?  

Y'all are killin' me.
