Saturday, December 10, 2016


From  the Federalist Papers, 68 (link to complete document below)-  

"These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils."

2016 Interpretation, (by Me!):

Among others, one of the purposes for the establishment of the Electoral College was/is to keep foreign governments, (like, let's say Russia, for example), from influencin' our political process and installin' surrogates, (like, uhh... Donald Trump, perhaps), who are sympathetic and/or beholding to governments other than our own.

Go on- use the link below.  Give it a really good read.  (It's a couple hundred years old, so the language might seem a bit "flowery", some of the words archaic.  And it's Hamilton.)  

Now, consult various reliable sources- cross-reference usin' things like the Dictionary, current and past essays on the subject from people with some sense, and study current events relative to our most recent presidential election. (Again: reasonable, verifiable sources.  This obviously excludes extreme partisan digital rags and Interweb propaganda mills- think garbage like Alex Jones' "Infowars".  One of the best examples of Absolute Crap out there.)

Next, in your most reasonable, thoughtful, non-paranoid, intelligent capacity, ponder the Direction of our Country, the Futures of Your Family, Your Neighbors, Your Planet.  (Always good to include your Planet.  I know: should go without sayin', but...)  Spend a moment considerin' just who profits, not only from where our Government is now, but where it's headed in our Collective Immediate Futures.  Think about what entities might have somethin' to gain by influencin' our political process....

I realize this is a lot to ask.  Hell, it'd probably take anywhere from thirty minutes to as much as an hour or two, dependin' on how much time you want to spend on that last part, the "thinkin'" part.

Oh!  And just one more thing:

When you're searchin' for facts and references, try and not get distracted.  Remember: Obama didn't ban the word "Christmas", and Trump didn't keep Ford from closin' an assembly plant in Kentucky...
