Sunday, August 13, 2017


*Note:  Another thing started months ago in a different place.  The topic, however, should make plain the point in time.  I personally don't consider this rant to be a political one, but I can see where many would be quick to color it as such.  It's a reasonin', acknowledgin' kinda thing for me.

Gonna go over this in a deliberate fashion in the hope that it helps me get my head around it.


Okay... the President of the United States is admonishin' people for their opposition to another group?  Oh, sure- he's waggin' a finger at the other guys, too.  He's givin' everybody shit, apparently in some kinda bizarre attempt to spare somebody's feelings.

Anyone else remember anything from History class about a Bigass War that claimed the lives of millions?  What was it that a lotta people called it?  World War II, the "Big One"???

From what I can recall, our enemy was pretty damn clear cut.  What was the name a big part of those monsters called themselves...?

"Nazis!"  That's it!  "Nazis"!

Seems like they were easily distinguished by their flag, their special salute to their psychopath leader, their claim of racial superiority.  Even made a pretty good run at Global Conquest, I'm thinkin'.  

Yep.  I remember somethin' like that.  Anybody else remember any of that shit?  Anybody?  Anybody seen anything similar to any of that shit lately, especially over the past couple days?  Sure, smaller in scale, even amateurish, but somethin' a whole lot like all that other.  

Yep.  All comin' back to me...

War.  Intolerance.  Hate.  The extermination of the Infirm and the Indigent, even the Handicapped.  Even among their own Citizenry.  Murder in the Name of God.  Genocide.

But the President of Our Country...?

Why would an American President  lump Americans standin'against the resurgence of such a Bone Deep Evil in with the very Traitors that embrace and would resurrect the Aberrant Ideology of Nazism?

Seems to me, in this particular instance, that it's pretty damn easy to distinguish who the bad guys are.  It ain't even some kinda new threat- we actually have the advantage of havin' access to an incredibly detailed Historical Record.  It ain't even that old.  There are still people alive today that were alive then. (Hell- Some even have tattoos as reminders.)

This is major serious , and we can't just stare at our shoes or, even worse, make up ridiculous excuses for this kinda dangerous shit.  To do so is not just to slip backwards a few generations, but to slip back centuries, even eons.  The ever-childish deflection or comparison to someone else's prior acts, be they factual, exaggerated, or pure fabrication, changes nothing about the immediate, the current.  That's just some infantile excuse that's worth absolutely nothin', changes nothin'.  Grade school shit.

Remember that "two wrongs" thing?  

