... and the list of breaks and windfalls and protections for the Richest Americans marches on.
If you bought into this trickledown crap, again, then you’ve allowed yourself to be played for a fool. More than once.
Just look around- the Middle Class got slight to nothing, while the Rich are raking it in hand over fist.
Feeling foolish yet? Damn well should be. If you supported this garbage, you hurt us all. (Except for the Rich.)
You helped set up the scam. Again.
You stood back and allowed them to rob us all. Again.
Know what? I’ll get by. I’m fortunate in a number of ways. And I never had and any issue with paying taxes that helped create jobs, helped the less-fortunate, kept things closer to fair, honest.
But this ain’t what’s takin’place, now or under Reagan’s bullshit policies. (What was it H.W. called it? “Voodoo Economics.” Yeah...)
We even had the luxury of hindsight, historical record! And a buncha you folks fell for that same stupid shit. Again. It wasn’t even that long ago.
This time around, many CEOs even said that they had no intention of using the Trump/Republican Tax Scam money for hiring or expanding! A number of corporate executives admitted that they would use that money for stock buybacks and big dividend payouts- and that’s exactly what they did. They even said this BEFORE the tax “break” became law. Some even said their companies didn’t need or want it!
But some of you weren’t listenin’, were you? Not teally ever been much for details, all y’all. Far easier to allow garbage to just soak into your brains through your porous skulls, huh? You barely have to even think, huh?
This information wasn’t any secret, wasn’t conjecture or supposition. It was right out in the open.
You chose to get suckered. Again. You made that choice. In direct conflict with all evidence, both current and historical, you fell for that same dams shit: give the already Rich even more in the hopes that they might bless us with some kinda charity that they never exhibited before. No contracts, no guarantees. Not even a handshake or a promise. No nothin’.
And the Big Dealmaker was right there signin’ off on it. all- Too stupid or careless or greedy or cold-hearted to give a shit. The Prince of Liars made more money. His rich grifter pals made more money.
And what are you doin? Kneelin’, hopin’ someone drop some crumbs or feed you a little something for fun, like a dog beneath the dinner table? Ignorant and Delusional. Suckers. Really some stuff to be proud of, huh?
Deny it if it suits you. So many of you have developed a bottomless capacity for denyin’ the Blatantly Obvious, an ability to ignore Fact even when struck dead between the eyes with it. Some of y’all even use your Religion to make excuses for the foul and vulgar that rob you and then laugh about it. (I am really, really confused about that particular misuse of something supposedly at the top of the list for so many of y’all. Confused, saddened, disappointed.)
But, it has become abundantly clear over the past four years that the original lofty tenets of Religion ain’t really that important after all to many that would espouse ‘em. It’s just a comfortable (and potentially lucrative) place for Ravenous Grifters to dwell and Fools to hide while attemptin’to save face, protect their pride and hubris, cover for the black-hearted rather than admit they support and enable Monsters. Faith now twisted into some sort of tool with which so many attempt to disguise errors in judgement, hate and disregard for others, regardless of the terrible consequences.
Others: using willful ignorance as their shield. The folks out there that retreat to their corner when reasonable acknowledgement and acceptance of Absolute, Presentable and Verifiable Truths becomes too much to bear; Those people that stagger back and use the last tool available to them as they flee from the truth and shout over their shoulder the “well, all I know is...” statement. Yeah, that- the admission of ignorance or distaste for facts, a preference for bullshit, the defiant proclamation that perversions of reality are a legitimate opinion as strong as any honest, thoughtful observations, while proudly brandishin’ Dumbass as if it were some kinda shield, an “Evidence Prophylactic.”
And McConnell and his Band of Raiders continue with their “Corporate-friendly” endeavors and protections, attemptin’ to squeeze in language that would further shield Big Business from responsibility/culpability for their actions into the latest relief bill supposedly written to assist Everyday Americans with all that trivial shit like Food and Shelter and Medications/Healthcare.