Thursday, January 16, 2014

Is It Hot In Here, or Is It Me?


Ya know, there are a buncha folks who use every drop in temperature and every snowfall as an opportunity to shout from the rooftops, proclaimin' that these incidents are proof positive that Global Warming is a Hoax.  (Usually, a "Liberal" Hoax.)

This extreme oversimplification of an extremely complex subject is really sad and doesn't serve the American Public at all.  In fact, this misinformation has proven to be incredibly damagin', as it has allowed Ignorance of the Big Picture to propagate, then be used as a Weapon of Deception by Those Who Have Somethin' to Gain by Maintainin' the Dumbass Portion of our Status Quo.  

Here's a distilled explanation of what's goin' on, courtesy of a high school graduate- that would be me.  I don't expect anyone to just "take my word for it".  In fact, I don't want you to.  I would hope this observation and examination of basic legitimacies might prompt you to have a look at this on your own.  You know: find some reliable sources, more than one or a couple, and decide for yourself.  For yourself.  First , identify, then tune out, all that proves to be Obvious Bullshit.  (This can be a Major Task- there are those that would use Deceit and Distraction as Weapons in a New Form of War.)  Look at the genuine information available,  ponder over it, and draw your own conclusion.  Your very own.  A decision you can defend on your own because you did the diggin', you did the thinkin'.


The term "Global Warming" refers to the increase in the overall average temperature of the entire planet.  For a variety of reasons, (and backed up by decades of research), the effects of this overall warming, of even a few degrees, manifests itself in the form of intense weather events that can be more frequent, more extreme- storms can be stronger, heat waves hotter, cold periods colder, droughts dryer, the loss of polar ice, reduction of seasonal snow pack, floods more devastatin', etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

"Global Climate Change" is the result of "Global Warming".

That's it.

Thanks, my Friends.  I truly hope this has "provoked" you and made you want to learn more.


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