Saturday, June 28, 2014

Evil as a Pasttime

The Supreme Court just handed down a new ruling regardin' the constitutionality of "buffer zones"  around the entrances of clinics that offer abortion services.  You can read about it here (I'll wait...):

You good?  


Now- my Pretentious Take:

It seems to me that, regardless of what your feelings/beliefs on this subject should happen to be, it would be obvious to everyone that Violence and Hate in the name of God are just dead up wrong.  Some folks just appear to be lookin' for a target for their Anger, and feel that it will always be justified, so long as they hide behind the Robes.

I can't help but wonder why people don't look for a better outlet, try and steer their excess emotions and energies into somethin' genuinely positive and compassionate.  There are a great deal of things out there that fit this description, (many that benefit unfortunate children), that don't involve fire bombs, explosives, guns, ugly speech and intimidation.  Actually, none of the things that come to mind for me include any of those things.  Not one.

To believe you can emulate Christ through acts of violence is counter intuitive and absurd.  Attemptin' to bend Today's World into a cheap imitation of Heaven on Earth is futile.  In fact, just effort wasted.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could point out somethin' to the contrary...

We seem to have lost our way and we can't even see it.  Wars of Ideals rage unendin', while those in need are more often than not ignored or looked upon as part of the "problem".  

Hate as a Hobby has become the norm for so many in our country.  Perhaps the time has come for us all to start lendin' legitimate, heartfelt assistance to our Fellow Humans.  

Or, maybe it's time for a buncha these Hateful Sonsabitches to take up needlepoint...


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