Greetings, Boys and Girls, and Welcome!
This is the inaugural post here at my first blog, so I thought I would give a brief, (a relative term), explanation of the what and the why behind it, and maybe a bit of a description of what to expect. Of course, all of this hinges on whether you, or anyone else, chooses to read it.
I first felt there could be a need for this a couple weeks ago after, during a Facebook
post, I dropped into a rather long rant on a certain subject. A long rant. Really long. So I figured "the Facebook" was probably not the best place for a bite of personal opinion of that size. I also felt that it was kinda self-indulgent to hammer my Buds with a chunk of text so big that it was subject to be crowding other stuff off the tiny screens of their mobile devices. An Economy of Verbage is something I have never been accused of. (Hard to believe, I know, but it's true.)
But, in all honestly, I didn't really feel like relinquishing the opportunity to rant/ramble in long form. (Vanity.) I just needed a different outlet- a more appropriate venue. So, here we are. Now, down to the details-
If you choose to read any of the content that I may post here, I hope that it will serve to entertain, enlighten, provoke.
I will not intentionally offend (piss off), alienate, slander, or otherwise damage any group, race, creed, blah, blah, blah...
This does not mean that I will not be using satire, innuendo, or other such devices to prove a particular point.
I will do no swearing, in the classic sense, and I will limit the cussin' to one dollar words, or less. And I will only use them when necessary for dramatic effect/emphasis.
I may also share some music and music news, images, essays, a little art, maybe. Maybe a joke...
If, at any time during this narcissistic exercise, you become offended, frightened, homesick, sleepy, queasy, etcetera, feel free to bail. My feelings will not be hurt, 'cause I won't know...
Hopefully more than a little art...
ReplyDeleteGo, Little Timmy Fish!!! Woo-hoo!!! You won't hurt my feelings...we can agree to disagree and continue on. I enjoyed your post about your FB friends. I think I have fallen into a few of those categories over the time span we have all known each other. Ha-haa-haaa!!!! BMI? Are you kidding me? Love it....