This mornin', I came across somethin' on the Facebook that sparked me to think. It was very simple- just an image of a sign on a metal T-post. A sign bearin' only twelve words. None of 'em cuss words. No swearin', though the fourth word of the twelve was "God". Just a simple sign, bound to a post, pounded into the ground- presumably along a property line or at the end of a rural lane leadin' up to somebody's place.
Glanced at it: Twelve words- an instant read. At first, I just dismissed it.
The development of the Internet and the myriad of tools that have placed access to a world of near-limitless Facts and Information at our fingertips today is nothin' short of incredible. However, the potential of these same tools in the hands of those who would use them to disseminate somethin' else is just as incredible. And troublin'. Fabrications, Distortions, Crassness, Lies- all flourish on this New Frontier. And we become party to these kinds of things when we fail to exercise due diligence.
It has become too easy to "share" Falsehood, Provocation, Intolerance, Bigotry. Hate.
Short attention spans, coupled with intellectual laziness and our appetite for simple, bite-size morsels of "news" and "information" (cultivated subtly, secretly, by our Manipulators) are a big part of what's goin' on. Headlines, Soundbites, Talkin' Points, Commentary- these have dropped into the "time slot" that once was reserved for Thoughtfulness, Introspection, Study.
We have been cordially invited to actively participate in the Charade. Menials, yes, but still Fellow Consructors in the creation of this, the grandest of all, this Ball of Confusion. Co-conspirators in our own Brain-Washin'. Signatories to our own Enslavement.
Our eyes have been plucked from our Skulls, the Empty Sockets used to allow the pumpin' of Callousness and Ignorance directly into our Way of Thinkin', bringin' about the Suffocation, often the Complete Obliteration, of our Natural Intelligence, our Common Sense, our Shared Empathy. We are bein' told that our Social Conscience is a Product of Weakness, Disease. Disregard and Insensitivity are now viewed as Bold, Clever. Even Comedic.
The cross-breedin' of Opposin' Philosophies in order to create a Nonsensical Hybrid that supports our Selfishness, while simultaneously strugglin' to rationalize, excuse, and disguise the very parsin' and crashin' together of details and indulgences that make up the Creature, is so Devoid of Logic that it scarcely resembles its Sires.
Devoutness is in the middle of a Bitter Divorce with Morality, and the Earth's Children are the ones sufferin' the most. And we are all Children of Earth.
So, the twelve words on that sign?
"I believe in God and Guns...
Trespass and You will meet both."
If you love guns and are willing (eager?) to use one to take the life of a Fellow Human Being over anything, particularly something as trivial as trespassing, and you think that God, or Jesus, or Allah, or Vishnu, or whatever Deity you choose to acknowledge, is okay with that, then you may well be sufferin' from some sort of Mental Disorder. You definitely fit the definitions of Paranoid, Anti-social, and Fanatical- in relation to both Religion and Firearms.
And, you have a really fucked up sense of humor...
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