Friday, July 12, 2013


When we talk to God

For whatever the cause

Does He turn toward the sound

Do our words give Him pause

Does delivery matter

When we feel we should call

A shout, or a whisper

Or no sound at all

When we talk to God


To pray from the bed

In a hospital room

And wait for release

From the pain and the gloom

Aware of our plight

Before we can call

Does He secretly listen

Ear pressed to the wall

When we talk to God


When the weight of the World

Presses down on our soul

Are our words like spun silver

Or black dirty coal

To cry out for comfort

From the end of our rope

Is it selfish of us

Our want for Hope

When we talk to God


The Man on the Brink

The Slight Starvin' Child

The Desperate Mother

The Planet Defiled

A plea, or a wish

Or a humble request

Will He shuffle and sort

Does He always know best

When we talk to God


Our witness and faith

And the praises we sing

Do these make us worthy

To ask for a thing

Great nations in Chaos

A dead baby bird

A moment distracted

Might our words go unheard

When we talk to God


The wait and the wonder

With nothing to show

Is it too much to ask

Just a yes or a no

Is He simply too busy

Should we brace for a fall

Are His hands to His ears

Is He listenin' at all

When we talk to God








1 comment:

  1. All I know is, when my friend went off the reservation yesterday we prayed. When a preacher reached out to me to pray for him, my friend walked back into his house.


All comments welcome. Criticisms and opposing viewpoints extremely welcome. Fish