Wednesday, March 12, 2014


 Well, well, well!  It would seem that Mr. Rand Paul, Diminutive Warrior in the Battle for Smaller Government, (and one-time unofficial spokesperson for a popular water bong), has apparently decided to do everything possible to ensure that, if/when the size of Government begins to shrink, HE be situated in such a way so as to retain some kind of Government position.  

(I reckon the Senator has decided that the short hours, great perks, special attention, and the big salary are too much to his likin' to risk losin', so he's pressed for the rules of the game to be changed.  Somethin' about some cake and eatin' it keeps comin' to mind...)

After Paul recently pressed a group of Fellow Republicans to align themselves with him in respect to this, (after all, he is the designated Straw Poll Savior of the Right, right?), the office of State Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer, Republican from Georgetown, was contacted by Paul's office regardin' the introduction of a bill that would change Kentucky State Law and effectively allow Randy to run for President of the United States, while simultaneously runnin' for reelection to his current office.  I'm sure that Mr. Thayer was as giddy as a school girl, havin' been selected as the vessel to introduce the bill that might allow Paul to keep his current gig, should any higher aspirations fail to materialize.  (I can't help but wonder what form the Junior Senator's  "gratitude" towards Mr. Thayer might take...)

Today, the Spoiled Little Senator from Kentucky is one step closer to realizin' his Dream(s), be it the Big Dream or the Fallback Dream:

(Or maybe what Little Rand actually means by Smaller Government is Smaller Politicians, physically and philosophically!)

(Okay!  Okay!  Sorry.  That  one was just too easy...)

Ya know what?  Perhaps the Law in Kentucky should be changed even more drastically, and allow Rand to be automatically added to every ballot and run for every elected position come election time, regardless of overlap or issues of conflict.  He clearly believes a man of his calibre deservin', entitled, to have the Law tailored, customized, to suit his lofty, egomaniacal aspirations, regardless of the realities and eventualities that might work to stifle his Potential Greatness.  Why, that just wouldn't be fair to to America, not to mention the Extreme Fringe Minority of Paul's Party, (that group of oft-distracted, easily controlled buffoons who look to Randy as their Ticket Back to an America That Never Was or Never Should Have Been) or to Paul, their Chosen One, for whom they squeal and clamor with all the Zeal and Fervor of a Fanatical Religious Cult.  Oh, no...  Wait...  Ugh!

Or, should the Kentucky State Lawmakers go even further?  Why should a man, a Patriot, such as Rand Paul be expected to divide his time, energy, and special interest money between two campaigns?  Or, for that matter, even one campaign?  Why not just let 'em pick from the list of State and Federal Government positions?  Who could possibly be more deservin' than he?  He has obviously proven himself to be the Consummate Politician- concerned only with his own Agenda, his own Future, willin' to pander and connive to alter Standin' Law, all in order to ensure his own continued self-promotion.  When can we expect this Absurdity to end?  Can we expect it to end at all?

Are ya catchin' my Sarcasm here?  What about my Disgust?  My Disdain?  Or my Dread?

If you're not pleased with the Potential Outcome of the Game Mr. Paul, then just change the friggin' rules.  After all...  You deserve it.

This is Absolute and Utter Bullshit.  Just like Mr. Paul himself- Absolute and Utter Bullshit.  And I'm not sure if this Circus is ever gonna end.

Maybe we should call our Representatives.  Or maybe we should just run a tub full of nice, warm water and stick our heads in it.  Either way, we're probably sunk.


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