I just finished readin' over a short exchange on the Facebook thing between some longtime friends of mine, and some of their friends, regardin' the flyin'- or not flyin'- of the Confederate Battle Flag. It was a reasonable, non-toxic exchange, which was refreshin', since all y'all know it can sometimes be really easy for these kinda things to disintegrate pretty damn quick into bein' not much more than an insult/name-callin' session that ain't worth a damn. (I admit it: I'm as guilty as anyone of participatin' to some degree in that kinda shit on occasion.) Hell yeah- people actin' like they got some sense. More Rarity than Regular these days.
Anyway, on with it.
The Confederate Flag Uproar has yet to turn into an assault against anyone's Personal Freedom, and I seriously doubt it will, regardless of what a buncha agitators wanna incessantly repeat. No more than, after a number of mass shootings that have and still continue to plague our country sparked most Americans to favor common sense changes such as waiting periods and background checks for gun purchases, meant that the Government was "comin' to take all our guns away". Again, the same buncha folks makin' the same kinda extreme exaggerations in the hopes that we'll be distracted from the Genuine Bullshit that's bein' perpetrated by 'em.
Flags. Any flags. No one's "comin' to take our flags away". Or tryin' make it to where ya can't fly a flag. It just ain't happenin'. Just people blowin' smoke up our ass.
For the sake of this last point, let's even take Slavery entirely outta the equation.
The Stars and Bars is the battle flag of the Confederacy, and is therefore a symbol of Treason and Sedition used by enemies of the United States of America. You can disagree all you want, but it's the truth, pure and simple.
Fact: More Americans died in the American Civil War than all other American Military Conflicts combined.
That flag, the flag of an enemy of the United States of America, should not be flown by our Government any more than our Government should fly the flag of any of the other nations with whom we've been at war- wars that resulted in the loss of American Lives.
Anyone can fly the Stars and Bars should they choose to do so- just as it's anyone's Right to fly the Rising Sun of the Japanese, or the Union Jack of Great Britain, or the flags of Russia, or North Vietnam, Korea, or that perrenial favorite, Hitler's Swastika, or even the freakin' Jolly Roger if they wanna. But the flags of our enemies- those responsible for American deaths- it's sorta ridiculous for any part of our Government to fly those flags. In fact, I t's an insult to those that died in defense of our Country and the Stars and Stripes. The flag of the Untied States of America. Our Flag. The one that represents Our Country. All of it. All of Us.
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