Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Li'l Ed and Me

Ya can't tell it here, but Ed and Me are in the middle of a few thousand people at the Blues Festival, Water Tower, several years ago.  Ed was burnin' up a killer lead and left the stage, wireless, and walked through the crowd.  I was probably about seventy-five, maybe a hundred feet from the stage, and I had one a those cardboard cameras in my pocket.  So, I pulled it out and flipped on the flash, thinkin' I might get a good image if Ed got close enough.  He ended up right in front of me, still wailin'.  Then, with a beer in my right hand and that cheap camera in my left, I figured I'd just do this.  Didn't spill a drop a beer on Ed's guitar and he never missed a lick!  
Fun Times....
In a lotta ways, I have lived a charmed life.

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