Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lost In America...

I am an American, through and through.  I can even trace My Bloodline beyond the European Invasion, to the Indigenous Man.  Way ahead of Most.  And No One can take that from Me.  It belongs to Me.  
But, of late, I find myself offended, even bewildered, by the Behavior of A Great Number of My Countrymen.

I have been Driven Away from the Church, by the Church.

I have come to Despise Politics, due to Politicians Devoid of Integrity.

I no longer have any Allegiance to My Employers, for They no longer have any for Me.

I have lost all Trust in Our Media, since They've become nothin' more than a Revenue Stream for a Handful of  Corporations.

I have no Faith in Our Government, since Our Government has come to represent only the Vulgar Rich at the Expense of the Hard-Workin' and the Unfortunate.

I no longer Blindly Respect Our Flag, as Our Flag no longer Represents the Ideals of My Country.

Okay.  I'm done.  Commence with the Heapin' of the Shit.  Been on My Own for a while.  I can friggin' take it...


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