Monday, November 23, 2015


The New America- Home to the Temple of the Modified Christ, the New Myopic Brotherhood, the Church of the Sociopathic and the Criminally Insane.  The birthplace of Death for Dollars, White Collar Supercriminals, Government for Hire, Injustice in the Name of Elohim, where the concepts of Compassion, Understanding, and Empathy are now Dirty Words, where we hold ourselves deserving enough to pray for a fellow parishioner's safe vacation flight as a child starves to death across town.

The New America- Improved.  Efficient.  Cold.  Where Anti-Intellectualism and Absence of Civility are celebrated as Examples of Strong and Enviable Character, where Hatred of Others is displayed openly and proudly, a New Badge of Honor, where Mockery and the Villification of Our Downtrodden supplant Baseball as the National Pasttime.  Where our very planet has been reduced to nothing more than a Commodity, a Revenue Source, rather than a precious and revered place to stand for a moment, perhaps catch our Breath.  Where Sensless Death has become passé, looked upon with disregard.  A Simple Fact of Life.  

The New America- Harder.  Leaner.  The place where the Unprovable trumps the Obvious, and Thoughtful Consideration of Fact is looked upon as an Act of Deficiency and Weakness.  Where Common Sense is held Hostage in a cage with no door, a cage constructed of axe handles and rifle barrels.  Where Pleas for Reasonable Discourse are met with the eye-rolling and sneers of Mouth-Breathers as they vomit Insult and Accusation.

A place of Great Wisdom without Mercy.  Wickedness without Consequence.  Where Nothing is Fair.  Where Meanness of Spirit is a Great Shroud that defeats the Sun, and Love is no more than a drop of blood in the dust.  Wasted.  Useless.  Forgotten.


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