Monday, December 28, 2020


No one said healthcare reform legislation was gonna be easy or perfect right outta the chute. It seems to me that anyone with half a brain would get that.  I do not mean that as an insult, and if you have more than half a brain, you should understand that. As well. (How's that for a really bad caveat?)  

It’s complicated as Hell!  So, why is it that people wanna call somethin' that corrected a major problem, even if it's not perfect, how is it that people think it's okay to represent somethin' as a "complete failure" with their rhetoric?  That’s just nonsense and the people spewin’ it know that it’s nonsense.  Their arguments are in favor of “throwin’ the baby out with the bath water.”  And it ain’t even their baby!  

(As of November 02, 2017, the United States House of Representatives had considered 100 resolutions to repeal, deauthorize, defund, or otherwise destroy the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.)

Indulge me:

If people without healthcare coverage  'cause they can't afford it are then given access to it rather than burdenin' the system in its current form is a bad thing, then why is healthcare for anyone a good thing?  Why don't we do away with all healthcare insurance and adopt a "pay as you play" system?  That'll satisfy everybody, right?  Across-the-board fair, right?  Nobody gets the advantages of an "insurance pool,”  Right?  If the folks in a tight spot ain't deservin' of inclusion in some kinda shared expense collective- that's what insurance is- then what makes folks in spots not quite so tight more deservin'?  Sure, some are loads, but that's inherent in the concept.

So far, in this damn country, we ain't turnin' people away when they need medical care.  At least not as a rule.  Folks show up, they receive care, they get billed.  If they ain't got insurance or cash or possibly Medicare or Medicaid, the bill for said services may likely go unpaid.  In such instances, hospitals “recover” such losses the  only way they can- by spreadin' those losses out across the group that is able to pay.  Sound familiar?  It should.  It's how insurance works, with one exception:  Insurance companies operate for profit, so they need to recoup net losses AND gather operatin' costs.

Me?  I'm fortunate enough to still be healthy enough to work and have a job that affords me access to health care.  It ain't free- it's a part of my “benefits” I receive for workin', part of my “total compensation.”

For a good look at the historical timeline and evolution of health insurance, give this a read:

(*As of this postin’, I have retired and now receive health insurance coverage through my wife’s employer.)


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I thought it was from Swords to Plowshares...

Gonna preface this with clarification that shouldn’t be necessary, but I’m tryin’ to head off the leaders that may be already anxious to recoil as if you were pressed into thinkin' about somethin' that scared you, ‘cause I didn’t even think of that until right this second.
Just cleaning out the closet.  Me. 6/15ish/2020

Somethin’ got my mind.  (It's become inescapable.). Gonna go straight to it:

If Christian churches choose to forego their tax free status in order to promote particular agendas through interactions with political and government entities, then it stands to reason that those would be concepts in line with the teachings of Jesus, right?  Houses of Christian Faith?  What in the world else could that particular bunch folks ever hold higher than that specific set of simple and elegant statements attributed to Jesus Christ?

Separation of Church (any church, by the way) and State?  

This is how churches take advantage of tax exempt status, so it's fair and reasonable within the context of standin' proclamation, historical precedent, right?  Sure it is.  Based on expected and accepted interpretations of at least most of what the Founding Ones tried to detail for our ignorant asses.  Right?  Sure it is.

So, why would any religion, assumin' that they are all ultimately representin' the Word of God, why would any religion choose to condemn and ridicule anyone?

Seems contrary to the Point;  Some things even appear blatantly in direct conflict with the teachings that are supposedly top of the heap.

Let's face it: once you get past all that meanass Old Testament shit, in Christian terms, it's all about Forgiveness, Compassion, all the good stuff.  Yeah Buddy!

Then why is it that so many would claim to carry the Mantle of a Forgivin' God with one breath, then damn so many to their Specific Hell with the next?

I'm gonna tell a buncha y'all what you already know, but have chosen to forget:
We ain’t no more than just plain old people.  Fallible.  All of us.  Even your Granny.

And when you reach that point where you feel you have some kinda right or privilege to condemn others 'cause the details don't line up with yours, then you have failed.

You may no longer stand as Proxy for your Deity.

And honestly, you never qualified to begin with.  No one ever does.
