Thursday, January 18, 2018


stayed with my friend
No longer kids, far from grown
You were her sidekick
Horses and motorbikes
"She can ride with you"
You pressed against me
Your slender arms around my waist
Your head turned, pressed against my shoulders

I held my breath

A high school crowd
My friend leaned close, whispered:
"She likes you, she told me"
"No-" I said
Flattered and embarrassed 
I looked at you across the room
I watched you smile, laugh
Something happened

I held my breath

"Can I come over?"
We lay in the floor
Ate popcorn and watched tv
Your folks on the couch
I wanted to be closer
"Perhaps a movie, a ballgame?"
Time all but stopped

I held my breath

Another summer
Your father drove
Your mother rattled
We sat in the back seat
Pressed close together
Our shoulders, our hips, our thighs touching
Fingers laced so tight
Our gaze only for one another
The warm air crossed through the windows

I held my breath

Time passed, so much happened
Here we sat together
You held my hand across the table
But for only a moment
You told me how things were
I closed my eyes tight, head down
My mind began to burn
Then you left me
I drew in deeply from the room
The air that had just moved past you

Then, I held my breath

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